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How it Works?

How it Works

Understanding Base Kemi Mechanics Base Kemi, an integral component of our ecosystem, operates through a sophisticated process that facilitates the creation of customizable character tokens. Here's a technical breakdown of its functioning:

Randomized Generation Algorithm:

Base Kemi generation begins with the utilization of a specialized algorithm triggered by the "Common" Catgirl NFT. This algorithm incorporates complex logic to randomly assign traits to the Base Kemi, including race, skin tone, tail type, and facial expression.

Kemi Type Variation:

There exist five distinct types of Kemis, each characterized by unique traits and attributes. The random assignment process ensures diversity among created Kemis, enhancing the overall richness of the ecosystem.

Success Rate Determination:

The success rate of generating a desired Base Kemi is contingent upon the user's nya score—a metric reflecting user engagement and participation. This score directly influences the probability of achieving the desired traits during the randomization process.

For example, a nya score of 50 translates to a 50% success rate.

Transactional Cost:

The team endeavors to maintain platform affordability for all users, ensuring that each interaction incurs a fixed fee of $10.

Utility and Benefits:

Base Kemi tokens serve a multifaceted purpose within our ecosystem. Apart from their aesthetic appeal, they planned to grant users access to exclusive features, thereby incentivizing active participation and engagement.