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How it Works?

Understanding Wearables Mechanics

Wearables, an innovative feature within our ecosystem, parallels the concept of Base Kemi by offering customizable items for user avatars. Here's a technical breakdown of its operation:

Exchange Protocol:

Wearables are acquired through an exchange protocol, where users can trade their Equal Value Catgirl NFTs for Equal Value Wearable Items. This ensures a fair and equitable exchange process, fostering a balanced ecosystem.

Minting Success Rate:

The success rate of minting a desired Wearable Item is determined by the user's nya score—a metric reflective of their engagement and participation within the ecosystem. A higher nya score correlates to a greater likelihood of successfully minting the desired Wearable Item.

Limited Asset Supply:

Wearables are characterized by a finite supply, adding scarcity and value to each item. This limited asset supply enhances the exclusivity of Wearable Items, incentivizing users to actively participate in the minting process to secure their desired items.

Customization and Variation:

Similar to Base Kemis, Wearable Items offer a wide array of customization options, allowing users to personalize their avatars according to their preferences. These items come in various styles, designs, and functionalities, catering to diverse user preferences and tastes.

Utility and Versatility:

Wearable Items serve not only as aesthetic enhancements but also as functional assets within our ecosystem. They may confer special abilities, boosts, or access to exclusive features, enriching the overall user experience and providing tangible benefits to owners.

Withdrawal and Transfer Protocol:

Once acquired, Wearable Items become part of the user's inventory and can be freely equipped or traded within the ecosystem. Users have the flexibility to transfer, trade, or utilize Wearable Items as they see fit, contributing to a dynamic and vibrant marketplace.

Unlocking Potential:

Wearables represent an exciting avenue for user expression and creativity within our ecosystem. By participating in the acquisition and utilization of Wearable Items, users unlock new dimensions of engagement, interaction, and personalization, enriching their journey within the UniPaws world.​