Mint Wearables
Step 1: Explore the Wearables Storefront
Head over to the Wearables Storefront. Here, you'll find a wide selection of wearable items.
Step 2: Select Your Desired Wearable
Pick the Wearables card you want to mint, which will direct you to the Minting page. You'll need a Catgirl NFT of the same rarity as the Wearable you've chosen to continue.
Step 3: Acquire the Required Rarity Catgirl NFT
If you don't possess a Catgirl NFT with the required rarity, you have a couple of options: Visit our Catgirl Mystery Box page to open a box and get a chance to find the rarity you need. Browse our NFT Marketplace to purchase a Catgirl NFT that matches the rarity of the wearable item you are about to mint.
Important Note: - Minting success is influenced by the NYA Score of the Catgirl NFT you use. There's a risk of failure when using a lower NYA Score Catgirl NFT.
Step 4: Minting Results
If your minting attempt is unsuccessful, the platform will burn your selected Catgirl NFT, but you can try again if you choose to.
If you succeed, congratulations! You can preview your newly minted Wearable on the "My Assets" page or try it out on your Base Kemi at "The Workshop."
Your Kemi is about to get a fantastic upgrade with your new Wearable item!